The ambitious, the disorganized, and those lacking intelligence and ethics believe they have succeeded when they accomplish their objective while concealing the device that manifested their desired sum in darkness. At the same time, the patient, the organized, and the strategic accomplish their objective without violating the laws of Earth or those given to us […]

As humanity can put its desires before its responsibilities, government can put its agenda before its people while destroying or taking the lives of the innocent who threaten its power. This paradigm exists because a government’s agenda is defined by the desires of its humanity that manifest in the body. A government and its justice […]

A Devil’s Advocate and Worm that pursues the holes in the foundation of law for itself and its client to slither through to escape the light of justice. A judicial whore that deploys abortions of justice to avoid ownership, responsibility, and accountability while misrepresenting facts, concealing evidence, and criminalizing the innocent to protect themselves and […]

Why is it imperative to ensure that a basket of apples contains not one apple with a worm? Because it only takes a few bad apples before a paradigm is produced where the people begin to question their ability to trust the rest of the honorable law enforcement officers that manifest courage and commitment daily […]