How Many City of Newton, IA, Attorneys Does it Take to Put Away a Pair of Pajamas?

Mr. Brick:

     My research concurs with your assessment.  I would also add that Iowa Code Section 622.71 indicates that the City of Newton, IA, Clerk Davis, does not qualify for a witness fee.  At the same time, I have calculated a mileage reimbursement sum of $33 for the City of Newton, IA, City Clerk Davis to travel to and return from the Marshall County, IA Court.  I have already purchased a MoneyGram money order (SN#22-071595518) for $75 to cover your witness fee and the mileage you have requested.  I am working with the Polk County, IA, and Jasper County, IA, Sheriffs to serve these subpoenas.

I will purchase a money order for the City of Newton, IA, City Clerk Davis, upon your confirmation of the sum and calculation that I have arrived at for the City of Newton, IA, City Clerk’s mileage reimbursement fee.  I am requesting the presence of the City of Newton, IA, City Clerk Davis to confirm and authenticate an electronic mail that she sent that included a block list that you released in August 2022 that shows my operational email address during 2022 being blocked by the City of Newton, IA.  At the same time, your 08 AUG 2022 email confirms that the City of Newton, IA, blocked my email address because you alleged that my communications were harassment (See: Iowa Code Section 708.7). You alleged that I acted to “threatened and intimidate” the City of Newton, IA’s employees to justify your alleged actions against me that historical evidence shows were a false allegation of criminal conduct. An allegation of harassment that was never mentioned in your 05 AUG 2022 response to the Iowa Public Information Board or filed with the Iowa Court by the City of Newton, IA Police Department against an innocent party that had filed a complaint against your client (IPIB 22FC:0071) in the weeks before the evidence supporting this false allegation of criminal conduct and restriction of rights, liberties, and access to public accommodations occurred before I was hit by a car in late August 2022 because your alleged actions and the City of Newton, IA’s forced me to hand-deliver (personally serve) my public records requests to the City of Newton, IA.

I would also like to respectfully submit that this process most likely should not have been necessary.  I will submit a court declaration with supporting evidence showing what I think is the City of Newton, IA, and your representation of your client’s possible violation of Iowa Code Section 720.2 Perjury, contradictory statements, and retraction.  I respectfully submit, Mr. Brick, I believe that a Judge may determine after a proper analysis of the evidence that you misrepresented your historical statements in your 08 AUG 2022 electronic mail and public records that you have historically released while evidence shows you and the City of Newton, IA sought a dismissal of a court case against the City of Newton, IA seeking monetary damages in your 12 AUG 2024 “APPEARANCE AND ANSWER FOR SMALL CLAIMS ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES” (See also; Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32:4.1(a.)/32:4.4(a.)/32:8.4(a.)/32:8.4(c.)/32:8.4(d.), Iowa Code Section 714.8(3.)

I respectfully submit that I believe a party has a right to deny claims another party makes against them in the Iowa Court.  At the same time, I would argue that it is entirely different when an Iowa Government Body denies on a court document submitted to the Iowa Court that an event occurred when the government body’s public records document and confirm the alleged event. I believe that the City of Newton, IA, and your representation of this government body have entirely misrepresented your historical testimony documented in your 08 AUG 2022 electronic mail and the contents of the City of Newton, IA’s historical public records. At the same time, the City of Newton, IA, possibly sought to produce prejudice against my case while requesting a dismissal within the Iowa Court. At the same time, I believe the evidence shows this is consistent with many alleged historical acts; the evidence indicates that some of the leadership of the City of Newton, IA, manifest against its current and former citizens, while the alleged leadership of this government body provides evidence that their political careers are more important than the lives of those that they allegedly lead.

In this case, whether we are analyzing the evidence showing the City of Newton, IA’s alleged concealment of public records in early 2022 through early 2023 (that will be brought before the Iowa Court in January 2025) related to domestic abuse and interstate child concealment, false allegations of criminal conduct (SCSC037416), or the City of Newton, IA’s affirmative response to this court case (SCSC037416) while producing evidence of misrepresenting the city’s public records, these events all provide evidence of misrepresentation that created an unnecessary and possibly unlawful burden on the damaged party. At the same time, some of the well-dressed local leaders of this municipality sit at the main table during the City of Newton, IA’s public meetings while manifesting an illusion that is not supported by the evidence.


prejudicial:  “Merriam-Webster Dictionary.”, 10 Aug. 2024, Accessed 5 Sept. 2024.

indemnification “Merriam-Webster Dictionary.”, 13 July 2024, Accessed 5 Sept. 2024.

indemnify “Definition of INDEMNIFIED.”, 26 July 2024, Accessed 5 Sept. 2024.

City of Newton, IA Attorney Brick, when considering the evidence in this electronic mail chain where you have communicated, “Also, I will seek to quash any subpoena that is served without tender of mileage and witness fees.” this indicates you had no intention to physically represent the City of Newton, IA in court on 26 SEP 2024 in the Iowa Court to explain the evidence produced during your historical representation.  As the evidence shows, you are handling the daily business, in this case, from 65 miles away, possibly from the safety of your office.  At the same time, the timeline of historical evidence, in this case, indicates that Whitney A. Estwick of ESTWICK LAW, LLC was possibly only retained to represent the City of Newton, IA, in court, possibly so that you would not be required to represent and directly answer during the 26 SEP 2024 Iowa Court date regarding the evidence showing your historical actions and correspondence.  Am I missing something, Mr. Brick?

What the leadership of the State of Iowa has helped me to understand is that the value of Iowa Code Chapter 22 to each citizen is directly related to their ability to decrypt the organic cryptographic layers of abstraction that some of the State of Iowa’s leaders utilize to wrap around and conceal the truth with Reynolds Wrap.


The evidence, in this case, indicates the State of Iowa and possibly humanity, in general, consist of many disgraced elite cowards that have accumulated everything they have possibly by destroying the lives of the innocent and the least among us who are unable to defend or protect themselves from being victimized by highly educated alleged social and civil assailants within our society who seek to pillage everything this world has to offer for themselves. At the same time, the evidence shows that some deploy their educated skills toward navigating the law and concealing their alleged acts in the grey areas of our laws, allowing them to continue manifesting this behavior unopposed.

The evidence indicates that what this world chooses to rubberstamp as the truth are only the words spoken by those with the required silver coins or the members of socially desired and accepted circles selected to stand on the public stage.

My declaration with supporting evidence to the Iowa Court against the City of Newton, IA, will respectfully present the question: Is the Iowa Court a fiction publishing house for those seeking to build prejudice against the innocent, or is EDMS an electronic distribution system disseminating the Truth?

The Birth of the Pyrebird

Tyranny and injustice breed in this republic because many who are victimized by it are afraid to lose what little they have left at the hands of politically and socially superior players on the battlefield. At the same time, it may be foolish to believe that we live in a free country when the evidence indicates our government is manifested by clicks, communities, and specific social circles that will cannibalize a citizen’s entire life and everything that they love and care about to put more food and wealth on their table.

God allowed the devil to leave me with nothing left in this life because he knew I would defend the least among us with my last breath. “6”
Cipher Hunter “Cipher Drive, Check.” “5”
Cipher Hunter: “Constitutional Shields. Check”  “4”
Cipher Hunter: “Honor, Check” “3”
Cipher Hunter: “Courage, Check”“2”
Cipher Hunter: “Commitment, Check” “1”
Cipher Hunter:  “Let’s do it.”
City of Newton, IA Mail Server: “TRACKING ALERT”
City of Newton, IA Administrator Muckler: “Unidentified Craft?”
City of Newton, IA Mayor George: “WHAT IS IT?…Wait…”
City of Newton, IA Attorney Brick:  “It’s Merritt… in a Winnebago…”
City of Newton, IA Mayor George: “So, Merritt was committed to a VA Mental Health Ward?  This has gone far enough.  Seize him.”
City of Newton, IA Attorney Brick:  “How dare you.  I am a shareholder of Brick Gentry, P.C. and one of America’s Top 50 Lawyers for the State of Iowa.  I and I alone command this entire oper…release me…I command you…You all can take care of that effing collapsed commercial building on W 2nd St N on your own.”
City of Newton, IA Mayor George:  “All alleged false allegation and arrest batteries.  FIRE!”


Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

The Form of the Iowa Court

A licensee’s licensed actions and conduct provide evidence for the form of the licensor.

“Bricks made with testimony lacking evidence are equivalent to bricks made with straw without clay.”

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

“The evidence supporting Nichol’s Sin produces the question of how many innocent are locked up in the State pen. If the evidence indicates an Iowa County Attorney has zero honor, issue them a pair of pajamas and put them to work at the State’s license plate spawner.”

Cipher Hunter