The Form of the State of Iowa’s Games

Iowa Public Information Board:

Below is my response to the Mar 28, 2024, 8:52 am correspondence sent by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley included in this correspondence.  

As a result of the direct and indirect evidence supporting Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley and other members of the Iowa Public Information Board’s attempt to criminalize my service-connected mental health disabilities while disseminating allegations of criminal conduct, including an alleged violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 (harassment, harassing), “abuse,” and cyber security concerns based on zero evidence to various private and public State of Iowa organizations I refuse to directly engage in communications with any State of Iowa employees that manifest evidence of this form of conduct. At the same time, I must consider that any future correspondence sent directly to an individual employee of an Iowa government body that has produced evidence of this form of conduct could be utilized to build a future criminal case against my correspondence that evidence indicates is not based on a foundation of solid ethics.

I am happy to meet with you to work on records requests both on how to make the process work better for you and for those responding.”

Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – Mar 28, 2024, 8:52 am

Evidence in the form of electronic mail public records produced by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley in conjunction with statements the Executive Director communicated during the 15 SEP 2023 Iowa Public Information Board Legislative Committee Meeting indicate that I was accused of harassment (harassing) and abuse allegedly directed at Iowa government body employees. For the same State of Iowa employee that alleged these criminal allegations to offer to meet in person with the citizen of Iowa that evidence indicates the Executive Director alleged manifests, this form of behavior calls into question the integrity of the statements communicated by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley to various agencies within the State of Iowa as supported by public records released by the Iowa Public Information Board and statements the Iowa press has documented that the Executive Director has made that evidence indicates was directed at me. At the same time, the sum of the Proposed Iowa Code Section 23.8A Vexatious requester petition provides evidence that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley deployed these allegations of criminal conduct to expand the political power of the Executive Director’s position and the Iowa Public Information Board.

“We’ve had some issues with individuals filing hundreds of requests and engaging in abuse – what many would consider abusive and harassing conduct related to those,” Eckley told the committee. “And so looking at it there’s not a lot that individuals can do if they’re in that situation. There’s very little that they can do other than to continue to just take the harassment and continue to have to review the information from that individual to make sure they are complying with their (Open Records Law) requirements.”

Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,

“She added that she has “become aware of an individual basically automating across all counties, all school boards, all cities, and such, seeking extensive records and then the communications after that can be quite abusive and harassing.”

Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,

“At one point he told me he was going to develop a database of information to make request to government entities easier – particularly how they store emails,” Eckley told the board members. “I am not sure his actions are meant to be a cybersecurity threat, but he could be creating information that others could use for attacks.”

Kauffman, Clark. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access • Iowa Capital Dispatch.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 22 Sept. 2023, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024.

“I am happy to meet with you to work on records requests both on how to make the process work better for you and for those responding.

Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – Mar 28, 2024, 8:52 am

I respectfully submit that I do not require guidance on producing future public record requests. In light of the evidence supporting the State of Iowa’s alleged prejudice and discrimination toward my service-connected mental health disabilities and the evidence indicating the complete disregard many within the State of Iowa have communicated toward my correspondence regarding the evidence supporting the State of Iowa’s alleged failure to properly handle domestic abuse, child concealment from court-ordered appearances in the State of California, the state of Iowa’s public records access, and evidence supporting the treatment of citizens within the State of Iowa suffering from mental health disabilities, including attempts by a person with documented service-connected mental health disabilities in the State of Iowa seeking help and communicating the truth as supported by evidence to the State of Iowa Legislature, the Iowa Attorney General, and other various elected and appointed leadership positions within the State of Iowa all future public records requests I submit will be in the same format as the sample record request template provided by the Iowa Freedom of information Council.

iowafoic. “Sample Public Records Request Letter – Iowa Freedom of Information Council.” Iowa Freedom of Information Council, 23 Jan. 2018, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024.

It is my belief that this will mitigate any future attempts by the Iowa Public Information Board, as supported by the historical evidence, to disqualify one of my public record requests or future complaints due to the length of the request while I have attempted to request help and public records within the same correspondence. As the evidence indicates that the leadership within the State of Iowa is already preoccupied with criminalizing citizens’ mental health disabilities as opposed to providing evidence of integrity and assistance, I see no purpose in communicating requests for help to an audience that evidence indicates is already preoccupied falsely accusing innocent citizens of criminal conduct while in pursuit of their desired sum, banning books, publicly labeling specific targeted protected classes on government-issued documents, or other examples of tyranny that evidence indicates seem to grow quite productively in the State of Iowa’s fields under current leadership.

Obradovich, Kathie. “Governor’s Bill Draft Would Put Sex Changes on Iowa Driver’s Licenses, Birth Certificates • Iowa Capital Dispatch.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 1 Feb. 2024, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Jewish Badge: During the Nazi Era.”,

“Gov. Reynolds Statement on Satanic Temple Display | Governor Kim Reynolds.”, 12 Dec. 2023,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

“U.S. Constitution – First Amendment .”, Library of Congress, 15 Dec. 1791,

“Sec. 3. Religion. The general assembly shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; nor shall any person be compelled to attend any place of worship, pay tithes, taxes, or other rates for building or repairing places of worship, or the maintenance of any minister, or ministry.”

“Iowa Legislature – Constitution.”,

“Again, I am happy to meet with you on this, but I would like it to be an open conversation, and I do not consent to being recorded.”

Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – Mar 28, 2024, 8:52 am

I respectfully submit that I believe the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s desire for an “open conversation” that is not recorded occurring on the State of Iowa’s public property contradicts itself. At the same time, this could be perceived as an indication of possible future conduct executed against me that is desired to be in an environment that does not allow for the reproduction of evidence at a later date showing the historical conduct of all parties during the meeting opportunity that the Iowa Public Information Board is providing. After being falsely accused of criminal conduct by numerous parties in the State of Iowa involved in this situation while I have worked to provide evidence of historical unethical conduct, the entire purpose of the chest camera I wear is to protect me from future behavior similar to what the evidence shows that I have experienced. The only Iowa government body I do not wear a chest camera to while visiting its public buildings is the Grinnell, IA Police Department because the personnel that make up this government body have earned my respect, gratitude, and trust.

I acknowledge and appreciate the gesture the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director communicated regarding offering to provide in-person assistance regarding my public records requests. At the same time, in light of all the available evidence across the State of Iowa that indicates an aggressive, hostile, and possibly unlawful posture toward myself by various government bodies within the State of Iowa regarding my investigation, I do not trust the possible motives, intentions, or desires the evidence indicates many within the State of Iowa are attempting to manifest against me.

The Form Of The Iowa Public Information Board Ghostwriter

In recent weeks, numerous emails have been sent via the account, communicating statements that evidence indicates misrepresented the availability of requested public records.  At the same time, the emails communicated a fee for public records that most likely would not fit within Walmart’s business model.

On 27 February 2024, the Iowa Public Information Board was requested to provide the identity of the State of Iowa employee who sent these emails.  As of the date of this correspondence, evidence of a response to this question has yet to be received from the Iowa Public Information Board.  Fortunately, authenticated delegated account access to shared mailboxes is documented by Google Workspace in the meta header data of electronic mail released by the State of Iowa.

I respectfully submit that any elected or appointed leaders within the State of Iowa who are speculating that I arrived at this conclusion before requesting evidence of transparency from the Iowa Public Information Board regarding these emails are possibly overestimating the quality of the game of Pong that is currently occurring between my ears.


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager 

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18-19, Holy Bible International Version,