The Form of Nichol’s Sin

Jasper County, IA Attorney Nicholson:

Good afternoon, Sir. I hope this correspondence finds you well. I received a public record from the City of Grinnell, IA, articulating statements you are documented on public records communicating on 14 APR 2023. Please confirm and authenticate the accuracy of these statements, which Captain Johnson of the Grinnell, IA, Police Department reported on the public record below.

Shipmate: “IT1, we just got a message over the broadcast from a Jasper County, IA Attorney Nicholson communicating if you continue playing chicken with him he is going to sue you in civil court and take your collection of designer pajamas away from you.”
IT(IW/SW) Merritt: “Send him a priority message asking if he prefers original or extra crispy, and get this damn alleged 2nd Amendment Sanctuary mooring line off the starboard side and shift colors. This whole effing, “I’m a patriot because I have an AR-15 water gun hanging in my living room makes my stomach turn.”

IT1(IW/SW) Merritt: “Nobody messes with my pajamas.”


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager 

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”Luke 4:18-19, Holy Bible International Version,