The Form of Murdock

State of Iowa Government Bodies:

1. The Form of the Jasper County, IA Geek Squad

“Mr. Merritt presents himself as an “Information Systems Manager” and “Information War Specialist” so by his own admission he is more of a threat to Jasper County’s networks and web based software than an average person asking for public information.”

He immediately posts any responses from Jasper County and IPIB to his Facebook and multiple Websites. So, any of this information would be out there for hackers or activists to use.”

Ryan Eaton, Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:21:05 -0600, Source: State of Iowa Public Record Stored and preserved in IPIB Legal Counsel Daniel Strawhun, J.D. State of Iowa Google Workspace Gmail account. (See: Iowa Code Section 22.2 Right to examine public records — exceptions, which states, “Every person shall have the right to examine and copy a public record and to publish or otherwise disseminate a public record or the information contained in a public record.”

The following public records request was electronically served to the State of Iowa government bodies on 12 JAN 2024, Iowa County government bodies on 14 JAN 2024, and specific Iowa Municipal government bodies on 16 JAN 2024 in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22.4(2.). This correspondence provides the current status of these requests while requesting an inquiry regarding the evidence of those Iowa government bodies that have yet to respond within the timeframes articulated in Iowa Code Section 22.8(4.)(d.).

2. Records Requested

(a.) Any public records showing a criminal complaint against the originator of this correspondence regarding the allegations of criminal conduct the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erica Eckley communicated to the Iowa Press leading to the publishing of Enclosures (1.), (2.) and (3.).

(b.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the name “Merritt,” not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

(c.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the word “vexatious,” not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

(d.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the electronic mail address as the originator or recipient of an electronic mail public record during the calendar year 2023, not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

(e.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the electronic mail address as the originator or recipient of an electronic mail public record during the calendar year 2023, not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

(f.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the electronic mail address as the originator or recipient of an electronic mail public record during the calendar year 2023, not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

(g.) Electronic mail, including attachments stored and preserved by government bodies shown in Enclosure (13.), including the electronic mail address as the originator or recipient of an electronic mail public record during the calendar year 2023, not including public records produced or transmitted by the originator of this request.

3. The Form of Atari

Enclosure (2.) provides evidence supporting Iowa State government bodies that have failed to respond to the above public records request.

Enclosure (3.) provides evidence supporting Iowa County government bodies that have failed to respond to the above public records request.

Enclosure (4.) provides evidence supporting specific Iowa Municipality government bodies that have failed to respond to the above public records request.

Enclosures (6.) and (7.) and completed requests shown in Enclosures (2.), (3.), (4.), and (5.) provide evidence that without extraordinary circumstances, the above public records requests should be able to be completed at no cost in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

The Form of the Iowa Public Records Honor Guard
City of North Liberty, IA
University of Iowa
Speculated Microsoft 365 Licenses Searched33,549
“The University of Iowa | the University of Iowa.” The University of Iowa, 18 Feb. 2024, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024. “About Iowa.” The University of Iowa – the University of Iowa, 2023, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Iowa State University
Speculated Microsoft 365 Licenses Searched (Approximate)32,177
“Faculty.” Committee for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equity, 29 June 2021,,and%2035.8%25%2C%20respectively). Accessed 16 Feb. 2024. “Enrollment Statistics | the Office of the Registrar | Iowa State University.”, 2017, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
University of Northern Iowa

See: Request Serial# 2394 of Enclosure 5: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Public School Districts and Universities– Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 05 of 05 – 31 JAN 2024

Speculated Microsoft 365 Licenses Searched11273
“Why UNI | Admissions & Aid.”, 2024,,career%20the%20edge%20it%20deserves. Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.‌ “UNI Facts | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning.”, 2014, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

The originator of the correspondence would like to take this opportunity to express a public declaration of gratitude to the City of North Liberty, IA, the State of Iowa’s Public Universities, and other Iowa government bodies who have provided evidence of honorable responses. At the same time, providing evidence of a commitment to citizen rights articulated in Iowa Code Chapter 22.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Romans 12:21, Holy Bible New International Version
Marshalltown, IA: Public Records Fees Are Now “More Than Ever

As documented in this correspondence, all three Iowa public universities have issued a fee of $60 to complete the above public records request. The originator of this public records request is submitting an additional request to these universities to confirm the exact number of licensed users within their Microsoft 365 instances. This data will provide evidence confirming the depth and scope $60 provides regarding a requested search for electronic mail records in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

The City of Marshalltown, IA – Mayor Joel T.S. Greer (City of Marshalltown, IA Population: 27,591)

At the same time, dismantling the evidence of the unethical within the State of Iowa from this lawful information warfare battlefield who have requested amounts up to nearly $400,000 (City of Marshalltown, IA – Mayor Joel T.S. Greer) to complete the above requested public records search.

The City of Marshalltown, IA City Attorney Holly Corkery, Lynch Dallas, P.C. Attorneys at Law, The City of Marshalltown, IA City Clerk Alicia Hunter, IT/IS Service Provider: BDH Technologies
City of Marshalltown IA Licensed Users184

Confirmation of receipt of public records electronically requested in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.) from the City of Marshalltown, IA’s Web Server on 18 MAR 2023.

This sub-section to this correspondence provides notice to the City of Marshalltown, IA, of the originator of this correspondence rights protected by Iowa Code Section 22.2(1.).

Enclosure 1: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Public Information Board – 1797 – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 01 of 05 – 11 FEB 2024

Enclosure 2: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa State Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 02 of 05 – 12 JAN 2024

Enclosure 3: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa County Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 03 of 05 – 14 JAN 2024

Enclosure 4: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Municipal Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 04 of 05 – 16 JAN 2024

Enclosure 5: The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa Public School Districts and Universities– Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 05 of 05 – 31 JAN 2024

Enclosure 6: 11 APR 2022 – Iowa Public School Districts

Enclosure 7: 12 JUN 2023 – Iowa Government Bodies – Microsoft 365

4. Conclusion

The sum of this investigative work product provides evidence of state-wide government body norms regarding responses to requests for public records. At the same time, this data will help prevent future citizens from being isolated by the unethical within a single Iowa government body that desires to withhold public records through various devices of deceit, including elevated fees for the search, retrieval, and release of public records that are not consistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3.

The evidence of Iowa Government Body deceit and other forms of alleged abuse regarding public records access is a paradigm similar to domestic abuse in that the victim must seek external assistance to invalidate and correct psychological programming that the assailant has manifested or deployed for personal gain to maintain control. At the same time, those who were foolishly perceived as victims will seek a view of the Truth to invalidate the distortion and falsehoods that some unethical and malicious parties deploy within the four walls of a county’s borders to maintain control over their alleged victims that reside within.

The Form of Murdock

“Pottorff responded by indicating Merritt’s actions were “probably related to his mental health issues” and suggested Eckley consult with the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 23 Sept. 2023,

From 2017 – 2023, a team of honorably retired Navy cryptographers and information warfare specialists were falsely accused of crimes that evidence shows they did not commit. These Veterans promptly outmaneuvered the unethical within the State of Iowa’s community of licensed lawyers and county prosecutors involved in these unethical acts and escaped to the Iowa underground.  

Today, still pursued by the government, they survive as lawful government body public records extraction experts. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, the Cipher Hunter will defend your access to rights and liberties protected by our constitutions and laws.

Doc: Call Sign/Pain Killer
Pyrebird: Call Sign/Cipher Hunter
Bench Press: Call Sign/Tropic Thunder
Night Club: Call Sign/OG

VA Nurse: “Excuse me, can I help you with something.”
IPIB Executive Director Eckley, J.D., M.P.A.: “Yes. Petty Officer Merritt, where is he?”
VA Nurse: “He’s in the community room wearing a Star Trek uniform.”
IPIB Executive Director Eckley, J.D., M.P.A.: “Thank you.”
IPIB Executive Director Eckley, J.D., M.P.A.: “Petty Officer Merritt, do you remember me from the July 2023 IPIB Meeting?”
Cipher Hunter: “I’m not the droid you are looking for…Damnit, Jim, I’m a Doctor, not a public records requester.”
IPIB Legal Counsel Daniel Strawhun, J.D.: “OK, this is pointless this guy is fried.”
IPIB Board Member Julie Pottorff: “Yeah, there’s a reason why he’s in here.”
IPIB Executive Director Eckley, J.D., M.P.A.: “And his entire team is still requesting public records except for him. Take a look around anyway and make sure he is alone.” 
IPIB Legal Counsel Daniel Strawhun, J.D.“Yes, Ma’am.”
Tropic Thunder: “Oh Merritt, your shuttlecraft awaits.”
Cipher Hunter:  “Take care, guys, I can’t finish Star Trek 2 today. Do let me know if the ending changes.”
Tropic Thunder: “Executive Director Eckley, Let us know when you find the public records and record requests that you misrepresented in the IPIB’s July 2023 dismissals while allegedly assisting the City of Newton, IA, and Jasper County, IA.”
Pain Killer: “Punch it, OG.”
Tropic Thunder: “She’s actually accusing us of criminal conduct.”
Cipher Hunter: “You should see these allegations in 3D.”
OG: “Merritt, get in here.”
Cipher Hunter: “It’s like we are actually being accused of criminal conduct.”
OG: “You are being accused of criminal conduct, you crazy fool.”
Cipher Hunter: “Relax, I have already saved the State of Iowa thousands in tax dollars while halting the Iowa Public Information Board’s purchase of the Owl teleconference system.”
OG: “How did you accomplish that?”
Cipher Hunter: “I gave them the bird for free.”

Woolys Des Moines, IA – 2029

Bartender: “What’s wrong?”
USMC Staff Sergeant: “Give me a shot of Jack. What’s wrong, I haven’t seen my kids in two years. Everyone I have asked for help has done nothing, and the law enforcement department I have asked for the public records documenting the incidents I reported said they are confidential.”
Bartender: “Do you see that big dude wearing all black with the black ESP Phoenix guitar.”
USMC Staff Sergeant: “The Mirebird?”
Bartender: “He may be the Mirebird here while holding that guitar. That’s the Cipher Hunter.”
USMC Staff Sergeant: “Cipher what?”
Bartender: “Tell him you are a Veteran and you haven’t seen your kids in two years, and a law enforcement department is denying you rights and liberties that you defended, and he will have your public records in 20 days. I think he got his law license a couple of years ago.”
USMC Staff Sergeant: “Does he practice law.”
Bartender: “Practice law? Merritt doesn’t practice anything he seeks and destroys in accordance with the code.”

If you are a Veteran, never forget your A-Team when you feel you have lost everything. When you think you no longer have an A-Team, know you are part of mine.

Suicidal ideations are the Adversary’s lie that manifests his illusion in the present that there is no future.

This investigative work product has been organized by a Veteran who stands watch on the edge between this world and the next.

My passion is rooted in my belief that I have nothing left to live for and my faith that reveals the truth that our lives and this world are what we make them.

Do not fear the world outside; turn to strength found from faith deep inside and rise.

“In difficult ground, press on; In encircled ground, devise stratagems; In death ground, fight.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve. Officers and men alike will put forth their uttermost strength. Soldiers in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in the heart of a hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard. Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the alert, and without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.

Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Legal Disclaimer:  This correspondence does not communicate a past, present, or future violation of the United States or Iowa Codes. This correspondence provides evidence of the passion within a constitutional poet who refuses to allow the rights and liberties of those he served for twenty years in the United States Navy to be impacted unethically or unlawfully by those who sit around public particle board tables in the State of Iowa who have produced evidence of not possessing the life experience, competence, ownership, or responsibility required to defend the rights, life, and liberty of others. The creative writing piece “The Form of Murdock” is loosely based on actual events. At the same time, it is intended to parody the screenplay dialog of television and motion picture characters created by Frank Lupo and Stephen J. Cannell. Direct quotes shown next to employees of the State of Iowa are fictional; however, they are intended to manifest the spirit of the originator of this correspondence’s perceived direct or indirect interactions with these employees.


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager 

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

Cipher Hunter