The Form of the Wickedness of the Judicial Painter

An artist who does not paint what they see but uses shades of darkness to represent what they want others to believe or interpret reality to be.

The deceitful are lost artists who deploy only colors that help others behold the path that leads to the painter’s desired pot of gold.

Those who produce evidence of misrepresenting the Truth are enemies of the only God, the courts, and the people’s voting booth.

The words of the liar who desires to cast the innocent into their fire will ultimately find themselves consumed on their own pyre.

The honorable, haunted by thoughts of suicide, will fearlessly serve others in accordance with our laws while patiently waiting to join the state’s list of the crucified.

Does this world manifest the mass shooter when the evidence shows it disregards the voices of the wounded and their requests for help from the evil of the looter?

Are we a nation that fills its prisons via the lies told by the prosecutor to build our prison industry and finance the extravagance of the executioner?

The Form of the Iowa Prosecutor

“I received nearly 100 pages of attachments to an email sent by Michael Merritt, who filed this meritless complaint. This communication was received on December 4, 2023, and provides the answer to Mr. Meritt’s inquiry; an answer he apparently didn’t like.

In any event, to the best I am able to glean from the documents provided, Mr. Merritt made a solitary request for an audio recording of a call to dispatch (housed at the Poweshiek County Sheriff’s Office) related to an incident he was involved in on August 4, 2023. According to the documents this request was made both over the phone and by email.
The email request from Mr. Merritt was made 9/26/2023 according to the timestamp on the email.”

Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver, 15 DEC 2023 – Exhibit 14

Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver’s 15 DEC 2023 correspondence (via correspondence provided by Iowa Public Information Board Deputy Director Brett J. Toresdahl 18 days after he received it on 02 JAN 2024) includes nothing more than evidence of entitlement and incompetence at the same time he attempts to use persuasive and defamatory language to build prejudice against an alleged mental state (“an answer he did not like”). At the same time, the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America protects a citizen’s right to communicate a redress of grievances. Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver may have invested so much of his life pursuing the restriction and halting of freedoms, rights, and liberties that when presented with evidence of the salt and grit of someone built on the deck plate of a United States Navy warship who spent his life defending the freedoms, rights, and liberties of others the evidence indicates Klaver devolves to the production of evidence showing character attacks (meritless) and simple two-dimensional misrepresentations of facts upon being provided evidence of his or the government body he represents historical professional conduct.

The Lawful Vexation of the Darkness Manifested by the Iowa Public Information Board

“According to the documents provided by Mr. Merritt, this request was made both over the phone and by email. The email request from Mr. Merritt was made on September 26, 2023.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

“The documents provided by Mr. Merritt plainly show that the Poweshiek County Sheriff’s Office promptly responded to Mr. Merritt’s request.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

“This Complaint was filed two months after Mr. Merritt was notified the record did not exist.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This statement is irrelevant and only provides evidence supporting the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s desire to produce prejudice against the Complainant in case 22FC:0123, given the evidence that the complaint was submitted 59 days after the Respondent provided evidence of a failure to provide the requested record. At the same time, Iowa Code Section 23.7 protects an Iowa citizen’s right to file a complaint with the Iowa Public Information Board within 60 days.

“Based on our review of section 22.8(4)(d), we believe it is not intended to impose an absolute twenty-day deadline on a government entity to find and produce requested public records, no matter how voluminous the request. Rather, it imposes an outside deadline for the government entity to determine ‘whether a confidential record should be available for inspection and copying to the person requesting the right to do so.’ We do not think we should extrapolate section 22.8(4)(d)’s twenty-day deadline to other contexts, when the legislature chose not even to include that deadline in other portions of section 22.8(4).” Horsfield Materials, Inc. v. City of Dyersville, 834 N.W.2d 444, 461 (Iowa 2013).”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley possibly utilized an Iowa Court case reference (Horsfield Materials, Inc. v. City of Dyersville, 834 N.W.2d 444, 461 (Iowa 2013)) to add legitimacy to the evidence of her misrepresentation of facts and complete disregard for facts and evidence that were not consistent with her desired narrative. At the same time, the evidence shows the Iowa Court also communicated, “Civil enforcement of Iowa’s Open Records Act initially places the burden of showing three things on the party seeking enforcement (Horsfield). That party must “demonstrate[ ] to the court that the defendant is subject to the requirements of this chapter, that the records in question are government records, and that the defendant refused to make those government records available for examination and copying by the plaintiff.” Iowa Code § 22.10(2). Once a party makes these showings, the defendant has the burden to show compliance, and the court must issue an injunction if it finds the defendant has not complied by a preponderance of the evidence. Id. §22.10(3)(a); see also Diercks, 806 N.W.2d at 653 (“Once the citizen shows the city denied his or her request to access government records, the burden shifts to the city to demonstrate it complied with the chapter’s requirements.”).” Horsfield Materials, Inc. v. City of Dyersville, 834 N.W.2d 444 (Iowa 2013).”

The spirit of Iowa Code Chapter 22 communicates, “Every person shall have the right to examine and copy a public record” that has been “stored or preserved” including “the date, time, specific location, and immediate facts and circumstances surrounding a crime or incident” that has been documented by an Iowa Peace Officer. “The right to copy a public record shall include the right to make photographs or photographic copies while the public record is in the possession of the custodian of the public record.” The evidence shows that Poweshiek County, IA, disregarded, ignored, or chose not to respond to five individual requests for the same public record (one initial request on 08 AUG 2023 and four referencing the first provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023) for approximately seven weeks (approximately 49 days). At the same time, the evidence suggests Poweshiek County, IA, waited until the exhaustion of the threshold of time that led to the expiration and automated destruction of the requested public record before Poweshiek County, IA, provided their initial response. The evidence shows that Poweshiek County, IA, denied a citizen of the State of Iowa the protected “right to examine and copy a public record and to publish or otherwise disseminate a public record or the information contained in a public record” (See: Iowa Code Section 22.2(1.) that has been “stored or preserved” (See: Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.)). Whether future available evidence was to conclude Poweshiek County, IA’s failure was the sum of intelligent design or negligence is irrelevant.

In Gabrilson v. Flynn 554 N.W.2d 267 (1996) the Iowa Supreme Court “found the purpose of this statute to be “to open the doors of government to public scrutiny to prevent government from secreting its decision-making activities from the public, on whose behalf it is its duty to act.” Iowa Civil Rights Comm’n v. City of Des Moines, 313 N.W.2d 491, 495 (Iowa 1981). Similarly, chapter 22 “establishe[s] a liberal policy of access from which departures are to be made only under discrete circumstances.” City of Dubuque v. Telegraph Herald, Inc., 297 N.W.2d 523, 526 (Iowa 1980). Accordingly, there is a presumption of openness and disclosure under this chapter. Id. at 527.”

“The purpose of chapter 22 is to remedy unnecessary secrecy in conducting the public’s business. City of Dubuque v. Telegraph Herald, Inc., 297 N.W.2d 523, 527 (Iowa 1980).” US West v. Consumer Advocate 498 N.W.2d 711 (1993). “There is a presumption of disclosure of records under the statute and exceptions to this rule are to be narrowly construed. Northeast Council, 513 N.W.2d at 759. The right of persons to view public records is to be interpreted liberally to provide broad public access to public records. Howard v. Des Moines Register & Tribune Co., 283 N.W.2d 289, 299 (Iowa 1979).” Rathmann v. Board of Directors, 580 N.W.2d 773 (Iowa 1998). At the same time, the historical record provides evidence of numerous events where Iowa government bodies are deploying ever-increasing devices of deceit in the form of misrepresentation of facts, excessive fees, and other anomalies to increase the difficulty and complexity regarding the average Iowa citizen gaining access to records Iowa Code Chapter 22 articulates are public records. At the same time, the historical record of evidence within the Complainant’s case file provides a reasonable conclusion that some government bodies produce evidence of acts inconsistent with Iowa Code Chapter 22 while attempting to prevent public access to records that may document an event or events that provide evidence of government body negligence or corruption.

“IPIB staff reviewed the timeline of communications provided by Mr. Merritt. Within them, there were two records requests made by Mr. Merritt. This Complaint is based on the second request made to the County, which was for the dispatch telephone audio on August 4, 2023.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

After thorough review of the emails provided, it appears Mr. Merritt made his first request for the telephone recording from the County on August 8, 2023. This request, however, was buried within the text of a lengthy, single-spaced email that covered the gamut from jokes to bible verses.

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This statement by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley (including the Complainant’s use of Bible verses in his correspondence as justification within her dismissal) only provides evidence of prejudice and discrimination toward the Truth (“bible verses”[Sic]) (See: Iowa Code Chapter 216). At the same time, the historical conduct of this alleged licensed lawyer provides evidence of a preference toward devices of deceit over the power of Truth. The Complainant’s use of “jokes” or humor is protected by the 1st Amendment to our nation’s constitution and Section 7 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa. At the same time, the Complainant’s attempts at humor represent a form of creative expression and allegory intended to articulate the form this state’s leadership manifests concerning the evidence showing its historical record of failing to adhere to its laws.

“It is not unreasonable that the County did not find the request buried within an email sent to multiple parties on August 8, 2023. A records request should be clearly communicated, rather than hidden within a lengthy email of unrelated text and information.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

The request was clearly communicated in an electronic mail to an alleged law enforcement department with a subject that evidence shows was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.”

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

“The sheriff had responded to previous emails he received, but there is no communication from him regarding this email, which was part of the existing email chain that contained the August 8, 2023, request.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

The Complainant has yet to witness any evidence of a response from Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel since the original request was electronically served to Powerrshiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, the only evidence the IPIB provided regarding a response to this complaint or other provided evidence from Powershiek County, IA, was submitted to the IPIB on 15 DEC 2023 by Poweshiek County, IA County Attorney Bart Klaver. At the same time, the evidence shows that Brett Toresdahl and Executive Director Eckley failed to provide this correspondence to the Complainant until approximately 18 days after the IPIB received this correspondence from Poweshiek County, IA, and eight days before the issuance of their dismissal. The evidence of these events suggests a possible desire of the Iowa Public Information Board to provide the Complainant a smaller window of time to provide an adequate response to the Iowa Public Information Board’s dismissal based on evidence the IPIB had in its possession as of 15 DEC 2023 by the deadline provided by Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckely on January 10, 2024, of 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 15, 2024. The question presented in this case, among many, is whether the Iowa Public Information Board delays approximately 18 days before providing correspondence it receives to Complainants in its cases while processing other complaints.

“Mr. Merritt contacted the records custodian at the end of September regarding the status of his request, which the custodian promptly acknowledged.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

“Even if the August 30, 2023, request was received by the County, Mr. Merritt received notice that the record he requested did not exist on September 27, 2023. This response was provided one day after the request was clearly submitted to the records custodian and twenty-nine days after the request was emailed to the sheriff. Iowa Code chapter 22 does not have an absolute deadline for responding to records requests.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

The evidence indicates that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s interpretation of Iowa Code Chapter 22 approves and authorizes Iowa government bodies to disregard requests for public records with time-sensitive retention periods until the requested public records have reached their scheduled destruction timeframes.

“The Iowa Supreme Court has stated that the twenty-day period for determining whether a record is confidential is not a timeframe that is extrapolated to other contexts, so there is no violation under these facts when the initial records request was not clearly communicated to the government body and the County responded within at least twenty-nine days to the request.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

This is a false statement, as the evidence shows in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The original request was provided on 08 AUG 2023. A status request calling attention to the 08 AUG 2023 request was provided on 30 AUG 2023 to Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel. Electronic Service of correspondence to the Poweshiek County, IA Board of Supervisors, County Attorney, and numerous Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees (including Meyer and Disney) was provided beginning on 12 SEP 2023 as shown in Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 providing a timeline with regards to the original request provided to Poweshiek County, IA on 08 AUG 2023 regarding the Iowa Code. 

Exhibit 8 provides evidence of the electronic mail to Poweshiek County, IA employee Disney as directed by her over the phone after she and the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sherrif’s office, including the Poweshiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors and County Attorney produced evidence of disregarding numerous requests submitted to Poweshiek County, IA since 08 AUG 2023 as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shows Poweshiek County, IA, Sheriff Kriegel produced evidence of disregarding requests for help from a citizen with a documented service-connected mental health disability, a criminal complaint related to evidence of a violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 by Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton, and a request for public records as shown in Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At the same time, the evidence shown in the Subject of the original electronic mail sent to Sherif Kriegel on 08 AUG 2023 was “Fwd: Ryan Eaton – Alleged and Evidence of Continued Violations of Iowa Code Section 708.7.” 

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

The evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s overall purpose and objective within her dismissal was to build prejudice against the original request submitted to Powershiek County, IA, on 08 AUG 2023. At the same time, she deployed persuasive language and a misrepresented version of the historical timeline as supported by the evidence. Executive Director Eckely’s dismissal disregards and fails to mention Exhibits 5, 6, and 7 sent to approximately 30 Poweshiek County, IA, elected, appointed, and contracted or non-contracted employees. The evidence indicates that the overall sum of the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director’s original act of refusing to process the Complainant’s complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, the public and statewide criminalization of the Complainant while the Executive Director deployed a false criminal allegation narrative against the Complainant including other allegations that evidence indicates are false, and the current dismissal of case 23FC:0123 based on misrepresented facts is the production of prejudice against the Complainant. At the same time, the evidence suggests that the Iowa Public Information Board and its Executive Director are seeking to discredit and build prejudice against the Complainant with the people of Iowa by producing a public perception that the Complainant’s communications are criminally abusive and that the Complainant’s public record requests and complaints filed with the Iowa Public Information Board are meritless and without purpose (“vexatious,” “harassing,” “harassment,” “abuse”).

“In this situation, any delay caused by a failure to identify a records request buried within a lengthy email, a request that may or may not have been received, and the fact that once the request was clearly articulated to the records custodian, it was promptly acknowledged and communicated, was reasonable.”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

Evidence supporting Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s ethics and predilection toward the strategic misrepresentation of facts and evidence is shown by the Executive Director’s public communication to the Iowa Press that the Complainant is an alleged vexatious records requester that sends hundreds or thousands of electronic record requests when the Executive Director is attempting to build a narrative that supports the Executive Director’s pursuit of expanded political power for the Executive Director and the Iowa Public Information Board (Eckley’s communications to the Iowa Press in recent months acknowledges Iowa government body receipt of the Complainant’s correspondence and public record requests). At the same time, when the Executive Director is processing a complaint involving those exact record requests submitted by the same private citizen, evidence shows the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director slandered and defamed across the State of Iowa while building prejudice against his service-connected mental health disabilities. The evidence shows the Executive Director builds prejudice against the exact record requests and other correspondence. At the same time, the Executive Director documents her concern that correspondence that she does not desire to process or recognize was possibly not received over a global TCP/IP network that provides communications services for mission-critical government and commercial services.

In this case, the evidence shows that the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director disregards facts inconsistent with her narrative. At the same time, she builds prejudice against facts that conflict with her narrative, which are possibly determined to be unavoidable while avoiding a blatant violation of the Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32:8.4(c.).


“Days later, Eckley wrote to the state’s Office of Chief Information Officer to express “ongoing concerns regarding the activity from Mr. Merritt.” Eckley wrote that “Merritt is making 1000s of records requests to government entities. He has a right to do that. The concern I have is that he has stated he wants to develop a database of the government email systems, etc.” She wrote that she was concerned about the “potential harm that could be done if there is a database that shares information that could be useful to others to harm these government systems if bad actors were able to use the information to insert malware of ransomware.”

Kauffman, Clark. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access – Iowa Capital Dispatch.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 22 Sept. 2023, Accessed 23 Jan. 2024.

The Form of Unfounded Strategic Hysteria:  

“Merritt is making 1000s of records requests to government entities.”

The Acknowledgment of Facts While Seeking To Legitimize Hysteria and Prejudice With The Selected Audience Against A Selected Target

“He has a right to do that.”

The Production Of Prejudice Against Lawful Conduct On A Foundation Of False Hysteria And Misrepresented Information.

“The concern I have is that he has stated he wants to develop a database of the government email systems, etc.” She wrote that she was concerned about the “potential harm that could be done if there is a database that shares information that could be useful to others to harm these government systems if bad actors were able to use the information to insert malware of ransomware.”

If a citizen is executing lawful acts as acknowledged by Iowa Public Information Board Director Eckley, what was the true purpose of contacting the state’s Office of Chief Information Officer? Was it to criminalize and build prejudice against the Complainant, as evidence shows the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director accomplished while communicating false allegations of criminal conduct and other false allegations of abuse against the Complainant to members of the Iowa Press? At the same time, she executed acts forming the foundation of this complaint while seeking augmented political power with the proposed Iowa Code Section 23.8A Vexatious requester petition.

“[Buried more than 2275 words and several pages later in the same email, after listing his grievances and issues, as well as citing scripture, telling jokes, and giving dictionary definitions, the following request can be found]”

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 23FC-0123 Dismissal – Exhibits 16 and 18

Title XVI – CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE (Ch. 687 – 916) of the Iowa Code consists of 385,461 words. Can we disregard it while driving through Poweshiek County, IA, because our citizen responsibilities are buried within more than 2275 words?

The Internal Revenue Service 2023 Form 1040 instruction guide consists of 92,099 words. Can we disregard our responsibilities to file annual income tax because the requirements are buried within over 2275 words?

Suppose the evidence indicates that Poweshiek County, IA, Kriegel is unqualified, incapable, or negligent regarding properly assessing a piece of correspondence containing a few thousand words from a citizen with documented mental health issues. At the same time, that correspondence clearly communicated a criminal complaint against a neighboring county employee. How can we trust that he is ethically and adequately enforcing and adhering to Title XVI – CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE (Ch. 687 – 916) of the Iowa Code, which consists of 385,461 words?

Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley references in the section “Applicable Law” within her dismissal to case 23FC:0123 the following, “Iowa Code chapter 22 is silent as to the time for response to a records request. The time to locate a record can vary considerably depending on the specificity of the request, the number of potentially responsive documents, the age of the documents, the location of the documents, and whether documents are stored electronically.”  Given the evidence that shows that Iowa Code Chapter 22 is also silent on the exact word count limit within a public record request in the State of Iowa, the use of the word concise in her dismissal is relative to the context, content, and overall purpose and scope of the correspondence including the record request she is attempting to build prejudice against.

In this case, the only thing that Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff Kriegel, the entire Poweshiek County, IA Sheriff’s Office, The Powershiek Couty, IA Board of Supervisors, and the Poweshiek County, IA Attorney Bart Klaver (who is responsible for directing mental health committals) accomplished was the production of evidence of discrimination against a protected class in the State of Iowa. At the same time, Poweshiek County, IA, produced evidence of ignoring requests for help from a citizen with documented service-connected mental health disabilities a few months before an event that occurred in the City of Perry, IA, that many across this nation have attributed to our country’s and the State of Iowa’s failure to address mental health problems adequately. 

Evidence showing Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s attempt to build prejudice against this electronic mail containing an original request for public records documenting the sum of historical Iowa government body abuse and its contents is to be expected given the evidence that the Complainant, in this case, has filed a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission regarding the evidence of her statewide persecution of retired veterans service-connected mental health disabilities in her desire to criminalize the Complainants public record requests across the State of Iowa in what the evidence shows is the Executive Director’s pursuit of expanded political power related to the proposed Iowa Code Section 23.8A.

The Evidence Showing The Form Of The State’s Motive And Future Flight Plan

Iowa Code – 2004 §22.7 – Confidential records – consisted of 47 subsections within six pages articulating which documents produced by the State of Iowa were restricted from the public.

In 2011, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley (The West Memphis Three) entered into an Alford Plea deal with the State of Arkansas, allowing them to maintain their innocence while being forced to communicate the State of Arkansas had enough evidence to convict them to secure equal access to their freedoms, rights, and liberties.  

The collection of evidence and the investigative journey that corrected this injustice was fueled by the people’s ability to access law enforcement records and witness the truth in several documentaries, the (at the time) newly adopted World Wide Web, and later social media.

For 18 years, the public analyzed and organized evidence leading to a case that led to the establishment of the accepted understanding (including members of the victim’s families) that the State of Arkansas and the local community produced enormous amounts of evidence of religiously based discrimination and other failures within its justice system leading to these three citizens viewed as outcasts by their peers losing many years of their lives that evidence indicates all of us take for granted.

In 2011 (the same year the West Memphis Three were released from prison), the Iowa Legislature passed Acts, ch106, §16, 17, repealing Iowa Code Section 22.6 while protecting Iowa government officials from criminal prosecution upon the presentation of evidence showing their failure to provide access to requested public records documenting the truth of their government body’s historical conduct.

In June 2023, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds settled three lawsuits accusing her of violating Iowa’s public records law. “The state of Iowa agreed Wednesday to pay more than $174,000 in attorney fees to settle three lawsuits against Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds that accused her of failing to follow the state’s public records law.”

As of 2024, Iowa Code – 2024 §22.7 – Confidential records – has grown to 75 subsections and a length of 9 pages.

All the Alford plea, evidence of public records concealment, and the evidence supporting the Iowa Public Information Board’s misrepresentation of facts and criminalization of an innocent citizen during 2023 while seeking expanded political power and authority provide are evidence supporting a reasonable conclusion that the elite and those elected or appointed to positions of power lack the honor, courage, and commitment to face the pain in their own life that they have inflicted on the lives of others through the manifestation of a properly balanced and ethical justice system. The elite and those having political influence can manipulate and distort the official record, but when citizens such as this look into the eyes of the honorable in their soul, they know where they truly stand when not concealed by extravagant thread counts that they deploy to conceal their true form.

The Form of Disability

It does not matter what we have lost, what disabilities we have, or how low our morale has become.  With faith, love, hope, and the lawful desire to evolve and overcome adversity, we can accomplish anything and conquer any path God has placed in front of us.

The purpose of life is not to waste it communicating to God what we need or want or existing in a state of anger or hate. The purpose of life is to learn to fly with love and hope in our hearts while on the path God has put in front of us as we deploy the tools God has blessed us with.

To the honorable, courageous, and committed, disabilities are nothing more than variables that motivate us to evolve and conquer with an augmented understanding of life’s meaning and the world around us.

Shipmate: “MERT, Klaver, and Kriegel are the county prosecutor and sheriff in this county where we live; these guys put people in prison and throw the key away. Merritt, these guys will have us back to eating powdered eggs and milk in a dungaree uniform with no liberty call.

Merritt: “You just hang on.”


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager 

“Lies and misrepresentations pay for the Iowa Legislature’s bills in Erika’s mErika.” 

Cipher Hunter 


Enc: 1.   Katarina Sostaric. “Reynolds Settles Three Lawsuits Accusing Her of Violating Iowa’s Public Records Law.” Iowa Public Radio, Iowa Public Radio, 21 June 2023, Accessed 24 Jan. 2024.
2. Kauffman, Clark. “Persistent Newton Requester Inspires Proposal That Could Limit Iowa Public Records Access.” The Des Moines Register, Iowa Capital Dispatch, 25 Sept. 2023,
3.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,
4.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 22. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 23 Sept. 2023,
5.  The Form of the Iowa Class Battleship and the Sea of Tyranny Manifested By Iowa’s Alleged Information Concealment Board, 29 SEP 2023
6. The Form of the Iowa Class Veteran, 07 OCT 2023
7. The Final Deployment, The Race Between Good and Evil, 21 NOV 2023
8. Lions, Tigers, Vexatious Records Requesters Oh My!, 06 DEC 2023
9. Declaration and Response to Iowa Civil Rights Commission Correspondence, 13 DEC 2023