Lions, Tigers, Vexatious Records Requesters Oh My!


Regarding my case against the Iowa Public Information Board, I will have the questionnaire filled out and returned digitally by the 13th of December as directed.

I am requesting that this case be put on hold until 01 JUNE 2024 to provide me time to submit a final declaration to the ICRC, including supporting evidence, public records, and medical records I am requesting. At the same time, I need time to deal with health issues that I have that have been magnified because of the evidence of the malicious conduct allegedly by those who are supposed to be in positions to serve the people, not attack and criminalize them.

The evidence shown by public records members of the Iowa Press have received and referred to publicly indicates that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley has accused me of “abusive” and “harassing” behavior. At the same time, she has articulated that government bodies are forced to deal with this “harassment” (See: Iowa Code Section 708.7 Harassment) regarding my record requests. The evidence also indicates, as mentioned in the Iowa Press, that the Iowa Public Information Board’s posture toward me and refusal to process recent complaints on 22 AUG 2023, which I submitted in accordance with Iowa Code Section 23.7, was allegedly because the Iowa Public Information Board’s leadership was targeting my service-connected mental health disabilities allegedly in communications with the Iowa Department of Public Safety as indicated by recent articles in the Iowa Press. Regarding the Iowa Public Information Board’s concerns related to automated public record requests and Iowa Public Information Board complaint submissions, I will be providing evidence in the form of public domain name system (DNS) records that support the conclusion that the Iowa Public Information Board utilizes tax dollars to deploy automation services provided by Salesforce Inc. within its complaint submission process and possibly elsewhere within its internal workflow (See: Section 6 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa).

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Suggested Reading:

1. “Automation.” Salesforce, Accessed 22 Sept. 2023.
2. “Salesforce Platform: Automation Solutions for Business Processes.” Salesforce, Accessed 22 Sept. 2023.
3. “Help and Training Community.” Salesforce, Accessed 22 Sept. 2023.
4. Gillian Bruce &vert; September 20, et al. “Build Your Admin Skills: Data Management, Problem Solving, and Process Automation.” Salesforce Admins, 20 Sept. 2023,
5. “Salesforce Process Automation Demo | Salesforce.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Nov. 2017,
6.  “What Is Automation?: How to Make Marketing, Sales, & Service Easier | Salesforce Explained EP. 7.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Sept. 2022,
7. “Automate Processes with Flow | How I Solved It | Season 2 EP. 2.” YouTube, YouTube, 15 Mar. 2023,
8. “CRM and Marketing Automation; What’s the Difference? | Salesforce.” YouTube, YouTube, 13 Jan. 2020,
9. “Salesforce Recognized as a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Sales Force Automation Platforms.” Salesforce, Accessed 22 Sept. 2023.

Iowa Rules of the Court – Rule 32:3.4 FAIRNESS TO OPPOSING PARTY AND COUNSEL

A lawyer shall not:
(a) unlawfully obstruct another party’s access to evidence or unlawfully alter, destroy, or conceal a document or other material having potential evidentiary value. A lawyer shall not counsel or assist another person to do any such act;

Iowa Rules of the Court – Rule 32:4.1 TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS 

In the course of representing a client, a lawyer shall not knowingly:
(a) make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person; 

Iowa Rules of the Court Rule 32:4.4 RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS 

(a) In representing a client, a lawyer shall not use means that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person, or use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal rights of such a person.

Iowa Rules of the Court Rule 32:8.4 MISCONDUCT 

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: 
(a) violate or attempt to violate the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; 
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; 
(g )engage in sexual harassment or other unlawful discrimination in the practice of law or knowingly permit staff or agents subject to the lawyer’s direction and control to do so.

False Allegations of Criminal Conduct Supported by Zero Evidence are a Simple Matter to Attend To

In the upcoming days, I will request public records from all Iowa government bodies to which I have previously sent public records requests (Approximately 527). At the same time, I am requesting any Calls For Service, Iowa Incident Reports, or any records of complaints to law enforcement documenting my alleged violation of Iowa Code Section 708.7 related to Executive Director Eckley’s publicly alleged criminal allegation against me. At the same time, evidence indicates she has pursued expanded political power for herself and the Iowa Public Information Board based on this criminal allegation and other baseless and downright malicious, incompetent, and ridiculous assertions that I am a cyber security threat based upon my consolidated and organized use of Iowa government body public domain name system (DNS) records that are viewable by anyone with a keyboard and an internet connection. At the same time, I have built a compelling case supporting Iowa government body fraud related to excessive fees inconsistent with Iowa Code Section 22.3 associated with retrieving electronic records stored and preserved on information systems owned and operated by Microsoft Corporation and Google LLC. Regarding the assertions that evidence indicates both Executive Director Eckley and Jasper County, IA employee Ryan Eaton have made that I am a cyber security threat, I encourage everyone addressed in this correspondence to contact the United States Department of Defense and inquire whether I ever produced evidence of being a cyber security threat while handling, managing, processing, operating, and inventorying Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information, data, equipment, and cryptographic keys that safeguard our strategic and tactical communications during twenty years of my life. I encourage you all to contact the former Center for Information Dominance San Diego, CA, where I taught Senior Enlisted and Junior Naval Officers how to run and manage a Tier 2 Communications Security (COMSEC) account (Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) Manager) as a qualified United States Navy Master Training Specialist under the protocol and material provided by the National Security Agency and ask them if I have ever produced evidence of being a cyber security threat.

The Abortion of Responsibility and Accountability

The evidence indicates the problem with some Iowans and our country, in general, is that when the irresponsible find themselves caught up in a situation their actions have conceived that they do not desire, the evidence indicates some utilize whatever political or social power available to spin falsehoods against others, or the immoral and the entitled execute actions to remove themselves from taking responsibility and ownership for their historical actions while aborting the true path they have produced. (Multiplexed Cryptographic Writing encompasses communicating two truths within one broadcast of words) 

I intend to request that Iowa law enforcement agencies with supporting evidence against me present it and arrest me at the January 2024 IPIB meeting so the Iowa Court can determine the truth in this matter. Suppose no law enforcement agencies have any complaints or evidence against me, as the evidence is supported by records stored and preserved by the Iowa Court. In that case, I will peacefully look at the evidence of the lie that is the Iowa Public Information Board and its leadership, and I will peacefully depart the premises. At the same time, I continue working on my complaint against Executive Director Eckley with the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Review Board that I communicated to her in July I would be filing against her based upon the evidence of her misrepresentations of public records and dates of requests in her July 2023 dismissals while allegedly assisting the City of Newton, IA, and Jasper County, IA before this malicious false allegation of criminal conduct and public defamation campaign began.

I believe that the reason that I have been labeled vexatious is because I strive to manifest the constitutional spirit of Thomas Jefferson in an alleged republic that evidence in the form of the USA Patriot Act 2001, the global “PRISM” scandal, and other nationwide evidence of the state’s desire to conceal information from the people indicates we have devolved to a capitalistic class-based society where the elite will do anything to maintain their grip on power—including falsely accusing an honorably retired veteran of the United States Navy with service-connected disabilities who served them for twenty years with multiple forms of criminal conduct. At the same time, the state produces evidence of attempting to cover its ass while concealing public records related to its alleged failures regarding domestic abuse, mental health-based discrimination, gender-based discrimination pertaining to domestic abuse cases, and two interracial children that were concealed in the State of Iowa by an Education Director at Iowa State University involved in what court documents show were false allegations of sexual abuse while coordinating field trips for Iowa public school children. At the same time, she (Sara Merritt) had zero court documents authorizing this custody that was concealed from San Diego East County Superior Court Department 5 (ED100465).

I will continue lawfully investigating what I believe are the failures of the country that I served related to the concealment of my children across three states and evidence of other civil rights violations. Suppose that leads to me being crucified in the public square. Then, evidence will support the case that I have manifested the spiritual truth that is the core of my soul.

For those who have been there for me directly or indirectly, I want to thank you and let you know that I will never forget it. You have been the light and the hope that has helped me to keep walking forward.

The evidence supporting that the lives of the least among us have zero value in this republic is exemplified by evidence showing how often those in elected leadership positions in the State of Iowa, witness or are provided evidence that contradicts our constitutions and laws while the lives of the innocent are destroyed. At the same time, they chuckle in city council meetings and look away while aiming for clay pigeons. At the same time, the evidence shows that when a citizen with limited resources stands and lawfully questions the government of this allegedly free country, many of those who administer it persecute and criminalize those citizens until they have nothing left to live for because they are entitled to believe that their career has more value than someone else’s life.

The evidence indicates that we as a nation will provide crisis lines to the wounded and speak in politically correct form to help ease our consciences, but at the end of the day, if one or a group of politicians conceals public records, charges excessive fees to prevent their release, or falsely accuses an innocent citizen of criminal conduct that is lawfully pursuing justice leading to them committing suicide it is obvious no one gives a fuck.

Legal Disclaimer:  Any Iowa Government Bodies that fail to provide a proper response regarding public records requested to either support or disprove the allegations the Iowa Public Information Board has publicly communicated against me within the timeframes articulated in Iowa Code Section 22.8(4.)(d.) will be submitted to the Iowa Public Information Board within the timeframes articulated in Iowa Code Section 23.7. Any evidence produced by the Iowa Public Information Board indicating a refusal to process these complaints will only support the existence of a possible motive or resistance to the acquisition and presentation of evidence supporting or disproving the Iowa Public Information Board’s alleged lie deployed to achieve augmented political power against the people of Iowa via the Iowa Legislature.

If the Iowa Public Information Board desires augmented political power, let them work for it. At the same time, they provide evidence that their criminal allegation deployed to support the proposed Iowa Code Section ​23.8A Vexatious requester petition is based on a foundation of truth and not corrupt and selfish political aspirations inconsistent with the current known constitutional reality.

I do not speak for myself. I speak for those who have lost much more than I who cannot speak for themselves.

Those who no longer dream because all they have left are nightmares.

The most spiritually evolving feeling is seeing that your life is over and standing to defend other’s ability to live.


Cipher Hunter

Legal Name: Michael J. Merritt, as documented on birth records stored and preserved by Marshall County, IA

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