Letter to the Editor – Newton Daily News – City of Newton, IA Mayor Michael L. Hansen

City of Newton, IA Mayor Hansen:

I am respectfully requesting an answer to why under your leadership, the City of Newton, IA City Council, while receiving legal counsel from the City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick of Brick Gentry, P.C. during a public meeting, has refused to provide a requested response to a Caucasian citizen during a public meeting (regarding the evidence of the City of Newton, IA, falsely accusing that citizen of violating Iowa Code Section 708.7 during Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0071).

At the same time, the leadership of the City of Newton, IA, in the presence of legal counsel provided by the City of Newton, IA Attorney Matthew Brick of Brick Gentry, P.C. during a public meeting on 01 MAY 2022 (10:32), produced evidence of violating its city council meeting rules regarding engaging in discussion with a citizen while responding to a request for dialog initiated by an African American citizen (Iowa Code Chapter 216).

https://www.newtongov.org/CivicMedia?VID=298 – the City of Newton, IA leadership responding and entering into a dialog with an African American citizen.

City of Newton, IA leadership disregarding a question and failing to enter into a dialog with a Caucasian citizen regarding the evidence of the City of Newton, IA leadership’s historical use of a false allegation of criminal conduct against a citizen that filed a complaint against the City of Newton, IA with the Iowa Public Information Board. (17 APR 2023/10 JUL 2023)

Ethics Disclaimer: The presentation of this evidence is not meant to discredit, invalidate, or diminish the historical significance regarding the evidence of the mistreatment and suffering specific demographics of our nation endured and suffered through at the hands of historical Caucasian-only leadership. The author’s presentation of the evidence in this correspondence is to provide evidence of the inconsistent treatment of citizens by the City of Newton, IA leadership during a public meeting, the failed state of democracy, the manifestation of tyranny, prejudice, discrimination, and the City of Newton, IA leadership’s inconsistent adherence to its own city council meeting rules under the leadership of Mayor Michael Hansen.

City of Newton, IA, Mayor Hansen, I am trying to understand why under your leadership, the City of Newton, IA, produces evidence of prejudice and discrimination regarding which citizens they choose to respond to and engage in discussion during public meetings and who they choose to disregard and not provide a requested response. At the same time, the leadership of the City of Newton, IA, has produced evidence of a rather poorly constructed attempt to control citizen speech, communication of public sentiments, and redress of grievances with their elected leaders during an alleged public meeting a few short months after producing evidence of arresting a citizen that attempted to engage in a public discussion regarding their opinion and analysis of the historical evidence of the City of Newton, IA and its police department. At the same time, Mayor Hansen, the evidence indicates you do not believe a citizen has a right to publicly question your implementation of the municipal policy after you have been elected. The City of Newton, IA’s, current city council meeting rules regarding citizen engagement evidence indicates is nothing more than a poorly constructed non-constitutional attempt by a city’s leadership to eliminate the production of evidence (public record) during a public meeting documenting where they stand in responses to citizen questions, talking points, and communicated sentiments during a public meeting that the city’s own leadership has provided evidence of being unable to consistently adhere to while having their hand held by their contracted City Attorney.

Evidence of how the City of Newton, IA leadership maintains its grip on political power.

1. Evidence of the City of Newton, IA, arresting a citizen communicating public sentiments during a public meeting governed by Iowa Code Chapter 21. At the same time, the City of Newton, IA, Mayor Hansen has produced evidence of persecuting “condemning” public speech during a public gathering hosted by the City of Newton, IA, after the State of Iowa presented evidence of the City of Newton, IA Mayor Hansen and Chief of Police Burdess’ failure to arrest it.




2. Evidence of the City of Newton, IA’s concealment of records that are public records in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.7(5.) documenting the City of Newton, IA Police Department’s historical handling of interstate domestic abuse (sexual), harassment (sexual), and cyberbullying (sexual).

3. Evidence of the City of Newton, IA’s use of false allegation of criminal conduct supported by zero evidence and restriction of access to public accommodations while the City of Newton, IA produced evidence of failing to protect that citizens’ rights in accordance with Sections 6, 9, and 10 of Article 1 against a Complainant in Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0071 (retaliation) .

4. Evidence of the City of Newton, IA, misrepresenting the location of where public records are stored and preserved during Iowa Public Information Board case 22FC:0071.

City of Newton, IA Leadership – 2023, City of Newton, IA, Mayor Michael L. Hansen’,City of Newton, IA, City Council: Ward 1 – Mark Hallam, Ward 2 – Melissa Dalton, Ward 3 – Craig Trotter, Ward 4 – Vicki Wade, At Large – Evelyn George, At large – Randy Ervin. City of Newton, IA 101 W. 4th St. S., Newton, IA 50208, (641) 792-2787.

Due to the evidence, the Newton Daily News’ execution of journalism only navigates topics consistent with the world’s most extensive pencil collection. I am requesting the ability to interview the Mayor of Newton, IA, and be provided the same level of journalistic access as the Newton Daily News during this year’s election. At the same time, I provide the citizens of Newton, IA, the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Iowa Public Information Board, Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Review Board, the Iowa Legislature, and the US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division the evidence I believe supports a logical conclusion of misplaced elected leadership in the City of Newton, IA.


How do you support the conclusion that a local newspaper has an unhealthy and non-democratic press relationship with the local municipal and county leadership they write articles about? This theory is strengthened by evidence of historical electronic correspondence with that local newspaper during an election that provided evidence of a local politician (running for re-election, Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson) publicly dismantling a citizens’ rights to freedom of speech. At the same time, the evidence shows this politician refuses to confirm this alleged conduct with the release of records the Iowa Public Information Board determined are public records in IPIB case 22FC:0091 (Social Media Block Lists).


Michael J. Merritt

Ethics Disclaimer: The use of the word respectfully in the closing of this correspondence is to communicate respect toward the office of the Mayor of the City of Newton, IA. Not the evidence of the bully that won the last popularity contest in Cardinal Creek, IA.