The Form Of The Iowa Civil Rights Decommission


I filed a complaint in January 2024 against the Iowa Public Information Board related to the evidence of its failure to respond to numerous public records requests related to its historical conduct/collaboration with Jasper County, IA, and evidence of retaliation in the form of a dismissal of a complaint based on misrepresented facts. At the same time, my complaint against the Iowa Public Information Board was pending with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.

The attachments below provide evidence of the following:

Electronic Mail – Michael J Merritt – 08 MAR 2024 – Enclosure 1 – Provides evidence of the Iowa Public Information Board’s discrimination against and attempt to criminalize my service-connected mental health disabilities with the Iowa Department of Public Safety (Note: The Iowa Department of Public Safety was requested to provide electronic mail public records of this correspondence and as of today has failed to provide evidence of a proper response.)

Electronic Mail – Michael J Merritt – 08 MAR 2024 – Enclosure 2 – Provides evidence of Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley attempting to label me a cyber security threat based upon zero evidence or inquiry on her part regarding her concerns. The historical evidence shows that Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley received an electronic mail offering to help protect the citizens of Iowa’s access to public records. At the same time, the evidence shows the Executive Director chose to distort that into something threatening that fit the evidence of her agenda against me providing evidence of her desire to persecute and criminalize my research.

Electronic Mail – Michael J Merritt – 08 MAR 2024 – Enclosure 3 – Provides evidence of Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s communications with and regarding the proposed vexatious records requestor legislation.

​Electronic Mail – Michael J Merritt – 08 MAR 2024 – Enclosure 4 – Provides evidence of working with the Iowa Public Information Board and other counties.

Electronic Mail – City of Grinnell, IA – April 2024 – Provides evidence of Jasper County, IA, again attempting to persecute and criminalize me with false allegations of criminal conduct (harassment). At the same time, the video capture of the event in question does not reflect anything the Jasper County, IA, Attorney’s office was attempting to persuade others to believe occurred. The historical record across numerous public records show Jasper County, IA’s desire is to persecute, criminalize, and conceal public records that I have requested. At the same time, the evidence shows that the Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director was involved with Jasper County, IA, in the completion of that agenda.

Electronic Mail – IPIB Consolidated – 01 FEB 2024 – Provides evidence that Jasper County, IA Sheriff’s Office Reserve Deputy Eaton is the alleged root of this strategic agenda to label me a cyber security threat. At the same time, the evidence produced by Jasper County, IA, provides evidence of a desire to halt/ignore my public records work related to Jasper County, IA’s historical handling of domestic abuse.

Marshall County, IA Record Request Response – Extract pages 249-259 of 424 pages – Provides evidence of the culmination of Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley’s state-wide communications to produce prejudice and discrimination against my public records work. At the same time, this evidence of inter-county coordination regarding my public records requests includes the same individual ( that she initially began communicating and disseminating this proposed vexatious record request legislation that the evidence indicates is built on a foundation of mental health disability-based discrimination. Public records tracked from Jasper County, IA, through the Iowa Public Information Board through the Iowa State Association of Counties, and ultimately to each individual Iowa County provides evidence regarding the sum that is shown regarding nearly every Iowa County, ignoring my most recent public records request in my recent complaint with the Iowa Public Information Board.

The end-end evidence of mental health-based discrimination in the State of Iowa is shown by the conduct of Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley and the over 80 complaints I have submitted to the Iowa Public Information Board against Iowa County government bodies that evidence indicates chose not to respond. At the same time, these acts provide evidence of the sum and consensus of state-wide county personnel who participated in the teleconference coordinated by the Iowa State Association of Counties.

I have one question: will the Iowa Civil Rights Commission do anything meaningful regarding my complaints, or is this board also led by an Executive Director/Commissioner appointed by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds? I am asking because, between the Iowa Public Information Board and the Iowa Department of Public Safety, I am collecting evidence of a trend that indicates that Iowa Republican-appointed government body leadership in the State of Iowa appears to run their “own fantastic program” regardless of what is required in accordance with the Iowa Code.

Alleged future ICRC response as supported by numerous historical responses: Received thanks.

Iowa State Trooper:  “Mr. Merritt, do you know why I pulled you over?”
Merritt:  “Received thanks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “No, I mean do you know why I pulled you over?”
Merritt:  “Received thanks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “License and Registration.”
Merritt:  “Received thanks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “Step out of the car, Mr. Merritt.”
Merritt:  “Received thanks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “OK, I guess we have to do this the hard way.”
Merritt:  “Received thanks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “Stop resisting.”
Merritt:  “Received…….Th…..anks.”
Iowa State Trooper:  “Watch your head, Mr. Merritt.”
Merritt:  “Received Th…Ouch. Dude, what the heck.”

Shipmate: “Merritt, I don’t understand if Jasper County, IA and the City of Newton, IA keep accusing you of harassment why don’t they just arrest you given the extraordinary vagueness of Iowa Code Section 708.7(4.)(a.)?”
Merritt:  “I think its because Iowa Republicans are horrified of the possibility of a wild and crazy Sailor with service connected mental health disabilites disguising himself as another protected class and walking out of their prison.”


Michael J. MerrittUSN Retired/Writer
Creative Writer/Musician
Information Warfare Specialist
Information Systems Manager

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18-19, Holy Bible International Version,