Complaint – ISCADRB/ICRC/IPIB/OOO – Story County, IA – The Form of Fictional County, IA


From: Michael J. Merritt, USN Retired/Writer

To: Attorney Disciplinary Board
Judicial Branch Building
1111 East Court Ave
Des Moines, Iowa  50319

Office of Ombudsman
Ola Babcock Miller Building
1112 East Grand
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Iowa Public Information Board
Wallace Building, Third Floor
502 East 9th St
Des Moines, IA 50319

Iowa Civil Rights Commission
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321-1270

Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals
1315 South B Ave
Nevada, IA 50201

Story County, IA Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald
1315 South B Ave.
Nevada, Iowa 50201

Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge
900 6th St
P.O. Box 55
Nevada, Iowa 50201

Info: Office of the Governor
1007 East Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50319

Senate General Assembly 90, State of Iowa
(Electronic Service)

House of Representatives General Assembly 90, State of Iowa
(Electronic Service)

Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut St
Des Moines IA 50319

Iowa Department of Public Safety
Oran Pape State Office Building
215 E. 7th St
Des Moines IA 50319

Chief Information Security Officer
200 E. Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309

Iowa State University
3550 Beardshear
515 Morrill Rd
Ames, IA 50011-2103

Poweshiek County, IA Attorney
4802 Barnes City Rd
Montezuma, IA 50171

Powesheik County, IA Sheriff
4802 Barnes City Rd
Montezuma, IA 50171

Grinnell, IA Police Department
1020 Spring St
Grinnell, IA  50112

Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814

Attorney General’s Office
California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
PO Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

California Secretary of State
1500 11th St
Sacramento, California 95814

Safe at Home
P.O. Box 846
Sacramento, CA 95812

Commission On Judicial Performance
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
San Francisco, California 94102

Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services
111 North Sanders, Room 301
Helena, MT 59601-4520
PO Box 4210
Helena, MT 59604-4210

Flathead County, MT County Attorney
820 South Main
Kalispell, MT 59901


Ref: 1. Iowa Code Title I State Sovereignty and Management, Chapter 22 Examination of Public Records (Open Records)
2. Iowa Code Title I State Sovereignty and Management, Chapter 22 Examination of Public Records (Open Records) – Section 22.3 – Supervision—fees
3. Iowa Code Title I State Sovereignty and Management, Chapter 22 Examination of Public Records (Open Records) – Section 22.8(4.)(d.) – Injunction to restrain examination
4. Iowa Code Title I State Sovereignty and Management, Chapter 22 Examination of Public Records (Open Records) – Section 22.10 – Civil enforcement
5. Iowa Code Title I State Sovereignty and Management, Chapter 23 Public Access to Government Information (Iowa Public Information Board Act) – Section 23.7 – Filing of complaints with the board
6. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 1. Rights of persons.
7. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 2. Political power.
8. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 6. Laws uniform.
9. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 9. Right of trial by jury — due process of law.
10. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 10. Rights of persons accused.
11. Constitution of the State of Iowa – Article 1, Sec. 20. Right of assemblage — petition.
15. Rule 32:8.4(a.) MISCONDUCT
16. Rule 32:8.4(c.) MISCONDUCT

Enc: 1. California Notarized Affidavit – Claudia J. Merritt – 25 AUG 2019
2. Electronic Mail – Mike Ernst – Ramona, CA Unified School District – 28 AUG 2019
3. Ames, IA Community School District 2019/2020 Registration – Sara N. Merritt – Child 1 – 28 AUG 2019
4. Ames, IA Community School District 2019/2020 Registration – Sara N. Merritt – Child 2 – 28 AUG 2019
5. Memorandum – California Secretary of State Alex Padilla – California Safe At Home – 18 SEP 2019
6. Electronic Mail – Sara N. Merritt – 14 JAN 2020
7. Electronic Mail – Michael J. Merritt – 28 APR 2022
8. Public Social Media Post – Michael J. Merritt – 08 MAY 2022 – Story County, IA (Untagged)
9. Public Social Media Post – Michael J. Merritt – 08 MAY 2022 – Story County, IA – (Untagged)
10. Public Social Media Post – Michael J. Merritt – 08 MAY 2022 – Story County, IA – (Tagged and Untagged)
11. Public Social Media Post – Michael J. Merritt – 09 MAY 2022 – Story County, IA (Tagged)
12. Public Social Media Post – Michael J. Merritt – 09 MAY 2022 – Story County, IA – (Untagged/Blocked)
13. Iowa Open Records Request – Ames, IA Community School District – 387 – CM-X2 – 14 JUL 2022 (Legacy – #003)
14. Electronic Mail – Miriam VanHeukelem – 07 SEP 2022
15. Iowa Open Records Request – Story County IA – 767 – CM-X2 – 09 JUL 2023
16. Electronic Service – Iowa Open Records Request – Story County IA – 767 – CM-X2 – 10 JUL 2023
17. Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley – 11 JUL 2023
18. Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Member Julie Pottorff – 12 JUL 2023
Electronic Mail – Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge – 01 AUG 2023
19. Iowa Open Records Request – Story County IA – 1350 – CM-X2 – 02 AUG 2023
20. Electronic Service – Iowa Open Records Request – Story County IA – 1350 – CM-X2 – 07 AUG 2023
21. Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Eckley – 08 AUG 2023
22. Electronic Mail – Story County IA County Attorney Tim meals – 09 AUG 2023
23. Memorandum – Story County IA County Attorney Tim Meals – 09 AUG 2023
24. Electronic Mail – Iowa Public Information Board Executive Director Erika Eckley – 13 SEP 2023
25. Electronic Mail – Jasper County, IA IT Help Desk Supervisor – 13 SEP 2023
26. Kauffman, Clark. “Persistent Newton Requester Inspires Proposal That Could Limit Iowa Public Records Access.” The Des Moines Register, Iowa Capital Dispatch, 25 Sept. 2023,
27.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 15. “Proposed Bill Would Block ‘vexatious’ Citizens from Accessing Public Records.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 15 Sept. 2023,
28.  Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch September 22. “How One Man’s Actions Led to Proposed New Limits on Public-Records Access.” Iowa Capital Dispatch, 23 Sept. 2023,
29. The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa County Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 03 of 05 – 14 JAN 2024
30. Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender – – 550 Envelope blocked – 19 FEB 2024
31. Electronic Mail – Michael J. Merritt – 03 MAR 2024 –
32. Electronic Mail – Michael J. Merritt – 03 MAR 2024 –
33. Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender – – 550 Envelope blocked – 03 MAR 2024 – 1737
34. The Form of the Constitutional Maverick – Iowa Open Records Request – Iowa County Government Bodies – Consolidated – CM-X2 – Elimination of the Fog of War – Section 03 of 05 – ***PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST DELINQUENCY NOTICE*** – 03 MAR 2024
35. Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender – – 550 Envelope blocked – 03 MAR 2024 – 1905
36. Story County, IA Facebook Page – Creation Date: January 21, 2010
37. Story County, IA Twitter Page – Creation Date: September 2009
38. Story County, IA Instagram Page – April 2019
39. Story County, IA Youtube Page – Creation Date: November 21, 2012
40. Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page – Creation Date: August 31, 2011
41. Story County, IA Conservation Facebook Page – Creation Date: September 10, 2009
42. Story County, IA Emergency Management Facebook Page – Creation Date: February 8, 2012
43. Evidence – Originator of this correspondence view of the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office’s tax-funded Facebook Page providing evidence of this government body’s use of this platform’s block feature.

44. Story County, IA Electronic Public Records Request Log

Enclosures (1.) – (6.) and (14.) will be provided directly to and only the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Review Board, Iowa Office of Ombudsman, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Story County, IA Attorney, the California Secretary of State, California Commission on Judicial Performance, California Safe at Home Program, Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services, and the Flathead, MT County Attorney due to the information included in these records involving personal identifiable information of the children involved in this multi-state investigation.

1. Introduction

This investigative work product represents an analysis of the evidence supporting the Iowa Legislature’s alleged failure to maintain a paradigm respecting the spirit and intentions of the original architects of Iowa Code Chapter 22 with the repealing of Iowa Code Section 22.6 (Repealed by 2011 Acts, ch 106, §16, 17) and the evidence supporting some Iowa Law Enforcement agency’s exploitation of Iowa Code Section 22.7.

This complaint does not focus on the evidence of historical domestic abuse that led to two children being concealed in Story County, IA, from court-ordered appearances that they were ordered to appear on 05 JUN 2019 by Honorable Judge Martin of San Diego East County Superior Court Case: ED100465 (this data will be provided in a future complaint against Jasper County, IA Attorney Scott Nicholson). This complaint focuses on the evidence supporting two children under the jurisdiction of San Diego, CA East County Superior Court Department 5 being concealed in Story County, IA, by Iowa State University’s Reiman Gardens Education Director Sara N. Merritt. At the same time, the evidence shows the California Secretary of State provided these children a California Safe at Home address in the State of California during the same time frame records show these children were concealed in Story County, IA. The foundational premise of this complaint is regarding the evidence that supports the following conclusions:

(a.) Story County, IA Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald’s deployment of a device intended to abridge free speech in a public forum regarding evidence of domestic abuse, child concealment, and violation of court orders that proliferated within this jurisdiction without providing due process for the citizens impacted by these events and acts.
(b.) Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals‘ concealment and misrepresentation of the existence of public records (social media block lists) that were requested that document the unconstitutional act shown in Enclosure (43.) and paragraph (1.)(a.).
(c.) Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge’s deployment of an electronic mail block that evidence indicates is isolated within a specific Story County, IA information systems account ( within the Story County, IA Recorder’s office during 2024 to halt the delivery of future public records requests from the originator of this complaint related to these historical events.

This multi-agency complaint includes evidence that supports the leadership of Story County, IA’s predilection towards the alleged restriction and halting of access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations (tax-funded social media assets/electronic mail communications) and access to public records supporting these alleged acts. At the same time, Story County, IA’s alleged leadership has provided evidence of their complete disregard for their responsibilities to protect citizens’ rights in accordance with Sections 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 20 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa.

2. Cause of Action – Story County, IA

Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals

Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals – Enclosure (19.) shows that Story County, IA was requested to provide “(a.) Screenshots of social media block lists during the month of this request for all social media profiles on all platforms maintained by the government body in receipt of this request.” Enclosure (23.) shows Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals‘ response, “After speaking with our information technology department I have determined that we have no records responsive to your request.” At the same time, Story County IA Attorney Tim Meals‘ response conflicts with the evidence shown by Enclosures (36.) – (42.) showing the existence of social media assets belonging to Story County, IA that have block lists. Enclosure (43.) provides evidence of the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office social media user block and restriction of citizen rights to tax-funded public accommodations and strategic abridgment of published speech on a third-party commercial social media platform. This alleged act executed by the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office may provide evidence supporting why Story County IA Attorney Tim Meals “determined” there were no responsive records responsive to this request. Enclosures (7.) through (12.) provide evidence of the originator’s communications with the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Department previously in 2022 and evidence supporting the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Department’s attempts to remove itself from public dialog regarding the form of law enforcement that exists within its jurisdiction. (Note: By Story County, IA County Attorney Tim Meals communicating “I have determined,” this statement provides evidence of his ownership of the discrepancy between his response and the evidence showing that social media block lists belonging to Story County, IA were available at the time of this request (See: Iowa Code Section 22.1(3.)(a.) “…of or belonging to this state or any county…”)

(a.) Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 – Rule 32:4.1(a.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS – Alleged misrepresentation of the availability and concealment of evidence (social media block lists) and misrepresentation of the availability of public records (social media block lists) supporting the unconstitutional act(s) of a subordinate law enforcement official related to the restriction and halting of a citizen’s access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations without the availability and access to rights protected by Sections 9 and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (See: Enclosure (19.), (20.), (22.), (23.), and (36.) – (43.).

(b.) Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 – Rule 32:4.1(b.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS – Alleged misrepresentation of the availability and concealment of evidence (social media block lists) and misrepresentation of the availability of public records (social media block lists) supporting the unconstitutional act(s) of a subordinate law enforcement official related to the restriction and halting of a citizen’s access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations without the availability and access to rights protected by Sections 9 and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (See: Enclosure (19.), (20.), (22.), (23.), and (36.) – (43.).

(c.) Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 – Rule 32:4.4(a.) RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS – Alleged misrepresentation of the availability and concealment of evidence (social media block lists) and misrepresentation of the availability of public records (social media block lists) supporting the unconstitutional act(s) of a subordinate law enforcement official related to the restriction and halting of a citizen’s access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations without the availability and access to rights protected by Sections 9 and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa (See: Enclosure (19.), (20.), (22.), (23.), and (36.) – (43.).

(d.) Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 – Rule 32:8.4(a.) MISCONDUCT – See testimony and evidence supporting an alleged violation of (a.) Rule 32:4.1(a.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS, (b.) Rule 32:4.1(b.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS, (c.) Rule 32:4.4(a.) RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS.

(e.) Iowa Rules of the Court Chapter 32 – Rule 32:8.4(c.) MISCONDUCT – See testimony and evidence supporting an alleged violation of (a.) Rule 32:4.1(a.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS, (b.) Rule 32:4.1(b.) TRUTHFULNESS IN STATEMENTS TO OTHERS, and (c.) Rule 32:4.4(a.) RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS.

Story County, IA Sheriff Fitzgerald

Story County, IA Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald – Alleged restriction and halting of a citizen’s access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations without the targeted citizen being provided availability and access to rights protected by Sections 9 and 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa. At the same time, the evidence shows Story County, IA Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald’s act, whether directly or indirectly, in the form of the sum of his leadership, halted, restricted, and targeted the originator of this correspondence rights protected by Section 7 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa and his ability to communicate and engage in an online cyber-based form of assemblage and discussion with other citizens and tax-payers. At the same time, his ability to publish public sentiments while directly engaging the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office and other voters was unlawfully halted and abridged from being indexed and available in user searches involving the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office. Logic would suggest that this premise outlines Story County, IA’s possible motive for this act in the first place. At the same time, common sense dictates that these alleged law enforcement officers should be issued handcuffs and not implemented social media blocks if citizen behavior warrants their issuance in accordance with our laws.

Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge

Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge – Alleged restriction and halting of access to rights, liberties, and public accommodations (electronic-based communications and submission of public records requests in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.) – Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge – Iowa Civil Rights Commission/Iowa Public Information Board. Enclosures (30.), (33.), and (35.) provide evidence of an automated electronic mail response, including the notice, host[] said: 550 Envelope blocked –
User Entry – [NN7g1y11NxuGh6cHwM0x_Q.us133] (in reply to RCPT TO command)”
Inspection of the data provided in the link shown indicates that a 550 Envelope blocked – User Entry articulates the undeliverable electronic mail is due to, “A personal block policy is in place for the email address/domain.” The evidence showing that a “550 Envelope Blocked – User Entry” notice was not received for the electronic mail sent to from shown in Enclosure (31.) supports the conclusion that this is not a domain-wide ( block put in place by the Story County, IT Department but most likely a personal block put in place by the Story County, IA employee(s) that manage this Story County, IA electronic mail inbox.

The evidence supports the conclusion that Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge provided appropriate responses to previous public records requests until after the availability of malicious testimony spread across the State of Iowa by members of the Iowa Press based upon testimony and quotes provided by the Iowa Public Information Board during public meetings and internal correspondence related to the evidence supporting its blatant attempt to criminalize the originator of this correspondence service-connected mental health disabilities across numerous electronic mail messages to the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Iowa Office of the Chief Information Officer, Jasper County, IA, and other Iowa organizations. This conclusion is supported by the Story County, IA Recorder’s responses to previous public records requests #767 and #1350 on 01 AUG 2023 and 09 AUG 2023, respectively, before the events shown in Enclosures (24.) – (28.).

It would be logical to conclude that if the Iowa Public Information Board had not produced evidence of acts and communicated public testimony (press releases/public records) intended to build alleged unlawful prejudice and discrimination publicly against the originator of this correspondence, Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge possibly would have continued to respond to the originator of this correspondence public records requests as the evidence shows that Story County, IA Recorder Stacie Herridge did before the malicious events manifested by members of the Iowa Public Information Board appointed by the Governor of the State of Iowa as supported by the historical record (See: Iowa Code Section 23.3 Board appointed — executive director).

3. Conclusion

Story County, IA, and the State of Iowa:

Do not halt, restrict, or deny citizens’ access to rights, liberties, freedoms, and tax-funded public accommodations that I defended for twenty years without due process as required by Section (9.) and (10.) of Article 1 of the State of Iowa’s Constitution only to serve your desired sum. I encourage you to either manifest the pain in my soul around my wrists with your handcuffs or remove the duct tape the evidence indicates that you have placed on my mouth. At the same time, please provide evidence of responses to public records requests that reflect your oaths of office and not the evidence supporting your alleged entitlement and failure to adhere to the same code you claim to enforce while protecting citizens we have stood the watch defending.

I honorably defended your families for twenty years, and the evidence indicates Story County, IA, compromised my ability to speak publicly, seek help, build awareness, and protect my family. Either arrest me for a crime, or I respectfully request that Story County, IA, clear a path in accordance with our laws.

The evidence supporting Story County, IA elected leadership’s use and alleged concealment of public records documenting its use of social media block features provides evidence of this government body’s leadership failure to grasp the spirit of our laws and our state’s and nation’s constitutions. At the same time, social media has become a modern platform that provides an easy-access form of citizen assemblage and the ability to communicate grievances to government bodies. At the same time, other citizens can view and provide feedback (comments) or augmented feedback and supportive evidence of similar personal experiences. Elected or appointed leaders who produce evidence of failing to adhere to our laws provide evidence of seeking to transform the future of this republic in accordance with their personal, professional, or political party agendas.

Enclosure (44.) confirms receipt of public records electronically requested in accordance with Iowa Code Section 22.4(2.) from Story County, IA’s web server on 13 FEB 2024. The originator of this correspondence acknowledges rights protected by Iowa Code Section 22.2(1.).

Iowa Open Records Request – Story County IA – 2405 – CM-X2

(a.) Story County, IA, is directed to provide a screenshot of the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office Facebook Block list in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 and Iowa Public Information Board Case 22FC:0091 Michael J. Merritt/Jasper County, IA, including the name of the originator of this correspondence.

(b.) Story County, IA, is directed to provide a screenshot of the Story County, IA Sheriff’s Office Facebook Block list in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 and Iowa Public Information Board Case 22FC:0091 Michael J. Merritt/Jasper County, IA after its decision to either file charges against the originator of this public records request supporting it’s halt of access to rights, liberties, and access to public accommodations against the originator of this correspondence, or Story County, IA has taken proper corrective action (ensured it’s social media block lists are a reflection of constitutional law) while acknowledging Story County, IA’s infringement on the originator of this public records request’s right to freedom of speech and due process before the state halts, restricts, or removes access to freedoms, rights, and liberties in accordance with our laws and constitutions.

The evidence indicates that unethical people quickly restrict or remove access to rights and liberties from others while pursuing their desired sum.

Freedom is a misunderstood paradigm taken for granted by those who have never stood the watch in defense of their own.

Those who persecute and cast lies against the innocent lost in the mire will find themselves burning at the center of their fire. At the same time, for every licensed lie that is told, an unlicensed complaint will unfold.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7, Holy Bible New International Version

The Form of Perseverance

Cipher Hunter:  “Good morning, State of Iowa county and city attorneys. This is your Captain speaking. Welcome to basic government body transparency art of war maneuvers. As briefed, today’s exercise is public records requests, declarations only, no court documents. We do not violate Chapter 32 of the Iowa Rules of the Court or the Iowa Code. Working as a team, you must criminalize my public records work or else.”
Jasper County Attorney:  “Or else what Sir.”
Cipher Hunter:  “Or else I gain lawful access to public records you desire not to release while deciphering any provided deceit or misrepresentations of facts regarding public records that were or were not released. If I provide evidence supporting any unethical acts or a failure to release public records in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22, you all lose.”
Ames, IA City Attorney:  “This guy needs an ego check.”
City of Newton, IA Attorney:  “We’ll see to that.”
Story County, IA Attorney: “Sir, what do you say we put some skin in the game?”
Cipher Hunter:  “What do you have in mind.”
Story County, IA Attorney:  “Who ever loses has to write a 10,000 word paper on the dangers of government body information dominance.”
Cipher Hunter:  “Guys, that is a lot of words.”
City of Newton, IA Attorney: “Well, they don’t call it an exercise for nothing… Sir and the evidence indicates you type that much every day anyway.”

Cipher Hunter: “You got yourself a deal, let’s turn two.”

Cipher Hunter: “Easy Merritt, let’s try not to rack up more government body communicated false allegations of criminal conduct supported by zero evidence.”

Legal Disclaimer:  This correspondence does not communicate a past, present, or future violation of the United States or Iowa Codes. This correspondence provides evidence of the passion within a constitutional poet who refuses to allow the rights and liberties of those he served for twenty years in the United States Navy to be impacted unethically or unlawfully by those who sit around public particle board tables in the State of Iowa who have produced evidence of not possessing the life experience, competence, ownership, or responsibility required to defend the rights, life, and liberty of others. The creative writing piece “The Form of Perseverance” represents a fictional narrative inspired by actual events and dialog from the Paramount Pictures Corporation movie “Top Gun Maverick.”


Cipher Hunter

Legal Name: IT1(IW/SW) Michael J. Merritt USN, Retired, as documented on birth records stored and preserved by Marshall County, IA, and twenty years of honorable service records stored and preserved by the United States Department of Defense.