The Final Deployment, The Race Between Good and Evil

Sheriff Halferty:

You are among the few people who have been there for me. I want you to know that I will never forget it. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Sir. I want you to know that I believe if you and your officers handled my domestic abuse restraining order violation that I reported, I would still have a family of my own to share the holidays with.

You and the officers of the Grinnell, IA, Police Department are the only law enforcement I trust in this state.

“[Editor’s note – Read the following post from Iowa Capital Dispatch about Michael J. Merritt. The good news is that Merritt did not visit the Greene County courthouse wearing pajamas and stalking employees.]”

I have spent much of the last few months in bed sick and trying to find strength through my faith. It has been the kindness of you and officers like SGT Cross, and the Grinnell, IA, Police Department that has helped me know there are good people in this world.

Mr. Ervin:

The true form of leadership is not confirmed or validated by the outcomes of state-sponsored popularity contests. True leadership is demonstrated by the actions of those with the courage and compassion to reach out to those drowning in a sea of darkness. At the same time, providing them with light and hope in a world of darkness.  You may not be the Mayor of Newton, IA, but it is the historical evidence of your actions that show that you are one of its few true leaders.

The pajamas I wear are black sweatpants, which are all I have, and my Navy PT uniform, which helps me feel connected to the only real family I have ever had- the only family I have left.

I do my work because I believe there are good people in this world. I will not give up and accept the paradigm some within Jasper County, IA, have produced to convince me this is the country I serve. This republic is an empty canvas painted with the words, ideas, and passion of those who have the courage to stand and defend what is right in accordance with our laws and our beliefs. I refuse to accept and believe that this country is a form that is controlled by those who unethically silence the voices of those who produce evidence of lawful actions that threaten the grip the unethical desire to maintain to power they are entitled to believe is theirs to keep or expand via methods not supported by our laws or our constitutions.

The selfish hurry to civil court to profit from their pain, the honorable, courageous, and committed carry pain and the weight of the world on their shoulders while working to inspire others to proper form to protect others from what they have lost. The only honorable sum to pain and damage is working to produce a paradigm that protects others from experiencing it.

It is not that I do not feel fear. It is not that I do not feel panic. It is my faith that blinds me from being impacted by these symptoms that are produced by external variables. I was born in Iowa; I was built by the United States Navy’s Chief’s Mess.

Either arrest me for the crimes you have accused me of, or give me a pair of coveralls, a new set of pajamas, and a watch to stand.  The only home that I have left is the weather deck of a US Navy warship where I can see the ocean and the North Star above.

I would rather die serving with my family, than live among those that I served that evidence shows abandoned my children.

Government Information Dominance

“Tyranny breeds within government infrastructure that does not provide information with the same freedoms, rights, and liberties as the citizens that produced it.”


Petty Officer First Class (Information Warfare/Surface Warfare) Michael J. Merritt (USN Retired)

Honorable Discharge July 2017

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (1st Award – 2000)

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (2nd Award – 2003)

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (3rd Award – 2006)

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (4th Award – 2009)

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (5th Award – 2012)

US Navy Good Conduct Medal (6th Award – 2015)

Top Secret SCI Clearance 1998 – 2016

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Jasper County, IA

City of Newton, IA

State of Iowa Senate

Iowa Public Information Board

Iowa Civil Rights Commission

United States Department of Justice – Civil Rights Division

United States Department of Defense

United States Navy