Honor, Courage, and Commitment


To: Chief of Police Robert Burdess
City of Newton, IA Police Department
(Personal Service)


I want you to think about something. I have already lost the ability to be a Father. Evidence indicates your handling of a civil domestic violence restraining order case had much to do with the reality I now live. Nothing will change that. Whether you continue to conceal public records while producing evidence of violating the law has zero impact on my life. It only provides evidence of who you are as a man and what you represent as an Iowa Chief of Police.

You don’t have to worry about me calling you a derogatory adjective during a city council meeting. I have too much respect for the uniform you wear.

The evidence I will present that represents you as a law enforcement leader is far more compelling than any adjective I could speak.

I am only interested in serving the truth while standing in the light. But, unfortunately, evidence indicates that is a place you lack the courage to stand. Evidence indicates you are only interested in serving yourself. At the same time, you conceal public records representing who you are as a man and law enforcement leader. The historical record of your conduct indicates why you are a Chief in Newton, IA, and why you were never a Chief where I have served. Where I come from, you will not float above the water if you don’t have integrity.

You have falsely accused me of violating Iowa Code Chapter 708.7 while blocking my access to public accommodations provided to other citizens of Newton, IA. Unfortunately, court records indicate you either lack the courage or the evidence to complete an arrest regarding this allegation.

When you find the courage to talk to me in person about this situation or arrest me regarding your false allegation and the public records you are concealing, you know where to find me.

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